Individual Match Stats for Knuppel [ID=35]

Match/Player Information
Match Date Tue, May 21 2024, 9:42:30 PM Server Silly_Hats_Only_NYC
Game Type Capture the Flag Admin Name Flaw|Serge
Map Name CTF-2024-Gladius_RC3 Admin Email
Global Stats Disabled Game Speed 137%
Match Limit 8 Score / 10 minutes No. Players 8
Difficulty Masterful Translocator Disabled
Map Voting Enabled Kick Voting Disabled
Full Ammo Disabled Health for Kills Disabled
Camper Alarm Disabled Super Weapons Enabled
Pickups Enabled Adrenaline Enabled
Balance Teams Disabled Players Balance Disabled
Friendly Fire 0%    
Netspeed 10000 Avg. Ping 20 ms
Mutators DMMutator, UTComp, UAdminMod, Revenge, NoAdrenaline, MultiDodging, LowGrav, InstaGib, GameSpeed, MovementModifier, OLGameStats, UTComp_GameRules, UAMGameRules, RevengeRules, CrushDeathRules

Match Summary
Rank Frags Kills Deaths Suicides Efficiency Avg. FPH Avg. TTL Time Sprees
1 51 51 25 0 67.1% 566.1 0m 12s 5m 24s 4 0 0 0 0 0

Special Events
Category Value Category Value Category Value Category Value
First Blood No Double Kills 7 Multi Kills 2 Mega Kills 0
Ultra Kills 0 Monster Kills 0 Ludicrous Kills 0 Holy Shit Kills 0
Hat Trick 1            

Combos Used
Speed 0 Booster 0 Invisible 0 Berzerk 0

Weapon Specific Information
Weapon Frags Primary Kills Secondary Kills Deaths From Deaths Holding Suicides Eff.
Super Shock Rifle 44 44 0 20 25 0 63.8%
UTComp_SSRHeadshot 7 7 0 5 0 0 100.0%

Type Suicides
No Suicides

Player Specific Kills and Deaths
Opponent Kills Deaths Efficiency Opponent Kills Deaths Efficiency
Lycan 16 11 59.3% ds8k 15 7 68.2%
Legion 11 4 73.3% {TwäT}«GøMëR» 9 3 75.0%

Killing Sprees
Spree Type Start Time Time In Spree Kills During Spree Reason Spree Stopped
Killing Spree 1m 01s 0m 31s 5 Killed by Legion with a Super Shock Rifle
Killing Spree 2m 12s 0m 22s 5 Killed by Legion with an UTComp_SSRHeadshot
Killing Spree 3m 06s 0m 31s 8 Killed by ds8k with an UTComp_SSRHeadshot
Killing Spree 7m 01s 0m 29s 8 Killed by Lycan with a Super Shock Rifle

Total Items Picked Up By Type
Item Type No. Item Type No. Item Type. No.
There Were No Pickups Used

Connection Log
Time Status
-0m 06s Connected
0m 00s Match Start
8m 08s Match Ended